SECANDA paper models for downloading

back Royal necropolis-abbey of Maxent


ID: Secanda 15.7 (2016-12-14)

Version: 1a (2016-12-14)

Physical contents

Scale: 1:100

Format of the plates to print: A4

Number of plates to print: 13

Including a notice: Yes

File: secanda_15_7_v_1_a_maxent.pdf (5 708 Kb)

Graphic format of the plates: pdf

Container file format: pdf

Number of downloadings of the reference: 2987

Number of downloadings of the version: 2987

Last downloading at: 2025-02-01 20:11:41

47.983097, -2.033923


Maxent abbey was founded in 862 by the last king of Brittany, Solomon, to shelter the monks of Redon threatened by Scandinavian incursions. Prestige monument built at his own expense and located near one of his residences, Solomon destined it to become the family then dynastic necropolis. His wife, a few high dignitaries then himself were therefore buried there. Alas, Scandinavian invasions quickly brought down the Breton kingdom, which fell into a long period of chaos and anarchy. After this dark period, the monks had left and the prestige of the abbey and its founder was only distant memories, the beautiful royal necropolis was out of history to become the simple parish church of a modest town.

Over time the church was heavily reworked, but miraculously, a large part of its Carolingian choir had survived the centuries when the madness of men descended on this historic and architectural treasure. The church was razed to the ground in 1893... Luckily, the new church was not built upon the site of the former one but next, which allowed the excavation of the site (1991-1992) and to trace the precise plan of the ninth century building, now materialized by a ground paving.

This model attempts to reconstitute the building as it was in the ninth century, from the data of P. Guignon, director of the excavations (in Églises du Haut-Moyen-âge en Bretagne, 1998) and by analogy with the buildings known of this era.

License: common law (copyright) | Author: Secanda

Free use for private purposes. Any commercial use is prohibited.



Categories: Churches, Chapels and Abbeys | Middle Ages s.l. | Early Middle Ages | France | France /Brittany |